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SKU: 684
Regular price $29,900.00

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Spindle Direction: Horizontal
Max. Turning Diameter: ø 590 mm
Max. Turning Length: 1,189  mm
Swing Over Turret ø640 mm
Chuck Size: 15"
Spindle Nose: A2-8
Hole Through Spindle: ø 105 mm
Hole Through Draw Bar: ø 93 mm
Main Spindle : 2,500 rpm HP: 35.00
Spindle Speed: L: 7~180~719 H: 30~751~2,500 rpm
X-axis Travel: 310 (295+15) mm
Z-axis Travel: 1,250 mm
X - axis Rapid Feed rate/Cutting Feed rate: 15/1~5,000 mm/min
Z - axis Rapid Feed rate / Cutting Feed rate: 20 / 1~5,000 mm/min 
Control: Fanuc TXP-100i
Simultaneous Cutting Tools - 1
Primary Tool Carrier: Turning Turret - 12 station
Quill Taper: MT-4
Quill Stroke: 120 mm
Tail Stock stroke: 1053 mm
Voltage: 220 V 3 phase
Machine Weight: 6450 Kg
Dimensions: H 2820 mm (2005 mm without mist collector installed) L 3900 mm W 1920 mm 

Directly Driven Ballscrews Provides High Precision and Rigidity
This machine is equipped with high precision ball screws and connected with motor directly. 
The fixing design supports both ends; the design of pre-tensioned ball screws provides high rigidity, 
high precision, and low heat effect.
High Precision and High Rigidity Programmable Tailstock
Using "M" code commands the quill stroke of the programmable tailstock can be hooked with a hydraulic hook to the saddle carriage and slide along the Z-axis stroke. Tailstock with live quill is standard.
Hydraulic gauges, control values of chuck and tail stock, and the central lubrication system are located at the front side for easy operation and maintenance.
The stand alone oil tank ensures the machining precision will not be affected by heat. It is also convenient and efficient for cleaning and maintaining the oil tank.
Powerful Headstock With Built-in Gears
The spindle is equipped with high precision angular ball bearing and NN series bearing witch provides high precision and rigidity working condition.
The inner diameter of the bearing is ø150mm ø5.91", and ø105mm ø4.13" of the spindle through hole. ø93mm ø3.66" of the drawbar through hole adapts large diameter bar stock jobs.
The powerful spindle with built-in gears provides various speed transmissions. The max. output of torque reaches 140kgf-m 1,013 lb-ft, with max. spindle speed of 2,500rpm.

Specifications - Imperial 

Machining Capacity
Max. Turning Diameter inch ø23.23
Max. Turning Length inch 46.81
Main Spindle Chuck Size 15"
Spindle Nose
Hole Through Spindle inch ø4.13
Hole Through Draw Bar inch ø3.66
Spindle Speed rpm 12" L: 7~180~719 H: 30~751~2,500
Sub Spindle 
Travel X-axis Travel inch 12.2(11.61+0.59)
Z-axis Travel inch 49.21
"X - axis Rapid Feedrate / Cutting Feedrate" ipm / ipm 0.59 / 0.04~196.85
"Z - axis Rapid Feedrate / Cutting Feedrate" ipm / ipm 0.79 / 0.04~196.85
Control: Fanuc TXP-100i
Main Spindle Motor HP 35
Hydraulic Turret 
Turret Capacity 12 
Swing Over Turret  inch ø25.2
Tailstock Quill Taper MT-4
Quill Stroke inch 42.52
Dimensions:  L 153"  W 76"  H 111"

Machine Weight 15,432 lb